Dear Students!

Please be informed, that the sign-in period for the next semester will start on 6th January 2025.

The Budapest Metropolitan University is planning to organize the education on campus with personal attendance during the 2024/2025 spring semester.

For more details please read our detailed guide on Coospace.


Dear Students,
The exam registration period starts from 10 a.m. 19th November 2024

A detailed examination guide is available on CooSpace. You are kindly requested to

read it thoroughly before starting to register for your exams.
Examination guide for full-time students: Documents / Information for Students /
Examinations / Exam registration / Examination guide:  Examination Guide 2024-25-1.pdf.
Examination guide for guest students: Documents / Information for Students/ Guest
students / Examination / Guides: Exam registration guide for guest students 2024-25-1.pdf

We wish you best of luck with your exams!

2024. Nov 15.

Dear Student,

In case of SimplePay bank transfer option please check the status of the financial item in Neptun/ Finances/ Payment menu.

The “Fulfilled” status indicates the successful payment. However, if you still see “Active” or “Processing” status after SimplePay payment, please log-in to your Neptun account again to update the data. If even afterwards you do not see a change in the status of the item, contact the Student Information Centre at

Thank you for your cooperation!


Best Regards,

Student Information Centre

2024. Sep 23.