Course Registration period for the spring semester of the 2024-2025 academic year.

Dear Students!

Hereby we would like to remind you of the Course Registration period for the spring semester of the 2024-2025 academic year.

Course registration periods:

Course Registration Guide - Information about the exact dates, rules and useful hints, is uploaded to CooSpace under Documents & Information for Students / Course registration / Course registration guide.

Jan 31. 13:51

Dear Student,

In case of SimplePay bank transfer option please check the status of the financial item in Neptun/ Finances/ Payment menu.

The “Fulfilled” status indicates the successful payment. However, if you still see “Active” or “Processing” status after SimplePay payment, please log-in to your Neptun account again to update the data. If even afterwards you do not see a change in the status of the item, contact the Student Information Centre at

Thank you for your cooperation!


Best Regards,

Student Information Centre

2024. Sep 23.